A skilled telecommunications consulting firm can make a difference

All businesses keep an eye on the bottom line. In telecommunications, billing issues are complex and rarely is a bill free from error or dispute.  Billing problems  affect the bottom line and the economic viability of both the carrier providing service, and the carrier or end user receiving service. Your best bet in these situations is to seek out a telecommunications consultant with extensive experience in billing and auditing to ensure that bills are accurate and based on up-to-date legal regulatory changes.  For example, if your provider claims it billed you incorrectly in the past, how far back can it reach to back bill you?  Do state laws require carriers to seek unpaid tariff charges in court or at the public utilities commission?  We can help you determine your legal rights and the best strategy to quickly and economically resolve billing problems.  In addition, iCommLaw can help you analyze your telecommunications spend to reduce costs and get the most out of decreasing telecommunications budgets. iCommLaw is skilled in all aspects of telecommunications auditing and billing, including the following:

  • Reconciliation, review, and examination of customer service records, contracts, and invoices
  • Review of records and activities to ensure compliance with company policies and to recommend changes
  • Analysis of billing systems, charges, invoices, lines, rates, tariffs, taxes, plans, usage, number of calls, systems, and agreements

Desired traits of a telecommunications advisor

The firm you hire needs to be familiar with the complex and confusing regulations and processes surrounding billing in the telecom industry. In addition, the firm should have the legal acumen and toughness to delve deeply and make the best recommendations for your company.

Some of the issues to consider when you are seeking assistance include the following:

  • Extensive telecommunications auditing experience: Skilled telecommunications consultants know the ins and outs of state and federal laws and regulations and have been involved in numerous audits.
  • Technology expertise: The best weapon in analyzing telecommunications bills is a deep understanding of the providers’ operations support systems (OSS) in order to identify the source of common biling errors.
  • Contract analysis: A telecommunications advisor should have a comprehensive knowledge of contract elements and the universe of contract options available in order to assist you in choosing the best agreement to fit your needs and avoid legal disputes going forward.
Seek representation by an experienced telecommunications attorney

Whether you are a telecommunications carrier, content provider, or end user, it is critical to obtain representation from a firm that understands the technology behind your business as well as all of the related legal issues. iCommLaw can assist you with all types of regulatory compliance, auditing, billing, and reporting services at the state and federal level. To schedule a consultation, contact iCommLaw today. We serve telecommunications clients nationwide and have the type of proven results that you need.

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Client Service Areas

  • Wireless Providers
  • VoIP Providers
  • Broadband Providers
  • Competitive Local Providers
  • Competitive Long Distance Providers
  • Internet Service Providers
  • Mobile Content Providers
  • Independent Filmmakers
  • Telecommunications Users